var addressPoints = [[162553.43575973,38044.999759421, 'Cruising delle Saline', '46034', 'cruising-delle-saline', 'Rotatoria e parcheggi dove trovare Gay e scambisti per trombare nelle stradine appartate. ', '', 'Spiaggia'],[161510.90461053,38709.367865939, 'Suttariu o due pini', '18991', 'suttariu-o-due-pini', 'Seguire le indicazioni per la spiaggia suttariu. Una volta superata la passerella proseguire alla sinistra. Percorso circa 200 metri sei arrivato ', '', 'Spiagga'],[163645.55134919,37338.808626993, 'parkingsex', '36723', 'parkingsex', 'se garer au fond de la voie sans issue et prendre le chemin jusqu au deux petites plages', '', 'Playa'],[160644.76113646,36269.036629992, 'Hot pool in abandondoned house', '22819', 'hot-pool-in-abandondoned-house', 'Romantic and private, specially at night (make sure you bring a torchlight and a couple of candles for atmosphere at night) and a couple of towels. Just park your car on the main road and follow the trail into the countryside, then climb over the wooden gate (it´s very easy), proceed on the small bridge to cross the river, open the gate (make sure you close it behind yourself) and then keep following the trail until you reach and old farmhouse. One of the small houses (the last one on the right) is accessible, get inside, strip your clothes off, get into the hot pool and proceed with your business. VERY IMPORTANT! Because of the water warmth you shouldn´t stay more than 20 minutes so you must be quick!!!', '', 'Edificio abandonado'],[161853.84474242,34511.602809782, 'Parcheggi Bonaria', '23419', 'parcheggi-bonaria', 'Arrivati a Osilo si va verso Sant´Antonio e si prosegue verso il colle di Bonaria', '', 'Terrazza panoramica'],];5